Inbound Marketing Examples For eCommerce

29.04.2019 by

As an agency that works with a lot of eCommerce clients, one of the main challenges we find is that eCommerce managers struggle to generate quality traffic to their eCommerce store. While there are traffic generation solutions from Google Ads and paid social media ads, they are a costly method of getting traffic to your eCommerce store.

Inbound marketing is a long term solution that provides:

  • Targeted organic traffic
  • Builds brand authority for your eCommerce business
  • Builds trust in your brand
  • Increases customer loyalty


Inbound Marketing Examples For eCommerce

Here are some inbound marketing examples and how they would play out:


Create Blog Content 

Aside from PPC advertising, blog content can generate targeted traffic to your eCommerce website. 

To ensure the success of your blog, you need to set out a content strategy to build out content to target your ideal buyer personas. According to Hubspot, those who use blogging as an inbound marketing strategy are 13 times more likely to get a positive ROI.


Targeting your buyer personas

In our guide to eCommerce content marketing we set our the benefits to establishing buyer personas. When you identify your pain points and create content around a solution, of which is a product that you offer.


Not only will a potential customer start to trust your brand, because they feel you understand their problems, they will likely buy from you. 


Solution Based Content

As discussed above, your content should be based around addressing the painpoints that your customers have. Your content should also provide solutions based on your product offering from your eCommerce store.

For example, if you sell skin care products to suit people who have skin conditions, you could write a blog post on skincare tips for people with (certain skin condition) in the body of the blog post you would recommend a product available from your online shop. As a result, you should see an increase in sales for that particular skincare product.



Results of perfectly executed content for buyer personas:

  • Establish a connection with potential customers
  • Increased sales
  • Constant flow of new customers


Omni Channel Marketing

During the research carried out about building buyer personas, you should have discovered where your customers are likely to hang out online, it could be Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. With this information you should focus your inbound efforts around building content on these social sites also. 

Ensure that you relate to your customers on these channels with useful content that is not just solely customer service or randomly posting your blog posts. Your presence should be consistent through the various channels.

By connecting with your customers on the social sites that they hang out on, you will increase the likelihood of increased sales from your online shop.



Increasing The Lifetime Value Of A Customer

A strategy that a lot of eCommerce managers ignore is remarketing towards existing previous customers. To a degree, it is easier for customers to make a purchase for a second time rather than looking for new customers. 

Development of the buyer persona can help you uncover related problems that your customers may have, therefore you can adapt to their needs.

This is another example of effective inbound marketing for eCommerce businesses.


Video Content

More customers are now consuming video content for product reviews and for tips on how to solve problems. Video content is hugely engaging and quick for a viewer to consume.

Posting videos to YouTube, social media pages and within your blog posts are a great way to create engagement and to convert sales.



Video is also a great way to repurpose content, for example, long form blog posts can be repurposed into a more digestible video format.


The inbound marketing strategies listed above are a great solution to generating traffic to your site and converting that traffic into sales for your eCommerce business.


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