7 Tips For Ranking A Brand New Website

29.11.2018 by

One of the big problems people have when they launch a brand new website is that it doesn’t get found on search engines like Google.

For a lot of businesses they invest in a new website but they do not proceed to purchase an SEO package as they do not understand the value of it.

If your website is not optimised for search engines you will only get found for your business name.

In this post we are going to show you the top tips for ranking a brand new website.

Firstly, you need to be aware of how search engines work. Google for example delivers results back on searches based on:

  • Content that answers problems that satisfy the search query
  • Content that provides a solution to the search query
  • Content that is authoritative and provided by an authoritative source






Here are some of the top tips for ranking a brand new website:


1) Use of Keywords

Keywords are the basis of how search engines rank your website. What is usually the case with new website developments is that the content is created without a focus on keywords and as a result, it does not rank for the proper keywords.

It is important that you do not overuse the same keyword over and over. If you do this, which is referred to as keyword stuffing, it will result in a penalty from a search engine like Google, which means you will not rank for that intended keyword.

Instead, use plenty latent semantic indexing keywords, or LSI keywords which are basically related to the key theme of your service or product keyword that you are trying to rank for.


2) Content

Once you have figured out the best keywords to use in your content, you can then look at structuring your content for conversions and better ranking. 

If you have Google Analytics installed on your website you can analyse how people react to your content. Are people staying on you site? Are they proceeding through your funnels? Or are visitors simply bouncing off your site and back to Google again? Google analyses all these events and compare them to the other listings on the SERPs.


Your content quality is an essential element for better search engine results. Try to write content is a positive tone, highlight the problems your target market have and outline a solution to help them.


3) Unique Optimised Metadata

Adding unique metadata throughout your website is critical for top rankings. Meta titles are the headlines that appear on the SERPs. You must use your keywords in your meta titles in order to rank. Titles should be impactful, so that people actually click to your site.

While many argue that meta descriptions do not impact Google positions, however this is not true as they affect SEO indirectly. Meta descriptions do impact click through rates and CTR's impact first page rankings.


4) Free Your Website Of Blocking Factors

A common problem for websites not to rank initially can be down to the Robots.txt file blocking crawling of search engine crawlers from the site. This can be caused by incompetence or web developers simply forgetting to remove it after a website goes live.

It is critical to assess whether or not the Robots.txt file is configured to allow proper crawling of the website. The Google Search Console has a Robots.txt tester. If you are unsure if your website is blocking crawlers, try that free tool.

There are also other blocking factors including Flash and frame code that are not search engine friendly elements. If these elements are on your site, you certainly should remove them.


5) Optimise Page Speed 

Page speed is a really important element for ranking a new website. If your site loads really quickly on mobile, it will help to rank your website well. Page speed is essential for user experience and helps to improve conversions.

There are various free tools that you can use test the speed of your website including:

  • Google Page Speed Insights
  • Test My Site With Google
  • GT Metrix


Some of the main causes of slow websites include the following:

  • Website images are not compressed
  • Your website is not leveraging the browser cache
  • Javascript is not minified


6) Set Up Search Console

If you have a brand new website, you need to set up the Google Search Console so you can check the indexing and visibility of your website on Google.

The Search Console allows you to submit your sitemaps, test your Robots.txt file, check crawl rates, your backlinks, search engine clicks, impressions and more.


7) Foundational Backlinks

For a brand new website you will need to add foundational backlinks to boost the authority and trust factors of your website.

Your first set of backlinks should include links from associations of whom you are a member of. Social media links from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest all help to improve the trust factors of your website.

To help with your local SEO, you should add your website to the reputable local directory websites.

Creating a Google My Business profile is one of the most important foundational links that you need to set up.


If you have a brand new website, following the tips above will help you get your website found on Google for your products and services. Remember, it takes time to get ranking with Google so patience is key.

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