5 Essential Facebook Ads Audiences

19.02.2020 by

Facebook has been a staple in the area of Social Media marketing and is the go to for wide audience catching considering it's popularity and diversity in content offering. 


Although this is a major bonus for marketeers, it also can be problematic in nature due to the vast reach making it difficult to hone in on your target.


That's why it's vital to consider Facebook Ads Audience tools when delivering a social media marketing campaign and customising these to make the most of your social strategy.


Within this post we're going to dissect the different Facebook Ads audiences and the best ones to generate quality leads.


1. Core Audiences

Customisable audiences are great for Facebook as you already know. Within that there are your core audiences, which, as you've probably guessed are the core group of people you wish to target.


By combining demographics, interests, location, and behaviours – advertisers can create very detailed pools of future customers based on the specific criteria.


Core Audiences now covers information like workplace and job title, and offers expanded information about education. Which makes it a great starting point for any marketing campaign.


2.Website Custom Audiences

If you're looking for an alternative to simply targeting the contact details of your prospects, then Facebook Pixel is your friend.


Instead of users’ email addresses or phone numbers, you can insert a Facebook Pixel tracking code on your website and target your Facebook Advertising to all users that have visited a specific page on your website during a set time period (up to 180 days)


Even more so, this allows us to market differently to users who have interacted with different pages on the website, tailoring responses to each individual or following up to leads that may have dropped out of the customer cycle.



3. App Activity Custom Audiences

A slightly more bespoke look at your audiences is through the sphere of App activity.


You should be utilising your custom audiences based on the activity that your audiences carry out whilst in app as believe it or not, behaviour can be intrinsically different to that of Desktop. 


For example, you can target people who previously used your app, but have not come back to your app within the last month and vice versa you should be targeting those who use the mobile app in the top 10 - 25%. 


Overall it's vital for your social campaign to consider that App users can be an entirely different audience to that of desktop.

Read: 9 Ways to improve conversion rates on social campaigns

4.Look-A-Likes Audiences

One of the strongest forms of advertising using your facebook social campaign is that of Look a Like Audiences (LAL). 


The LAL allows you to use past experiences and customer journeys to tailor your ads to match the needs of your desired customers. Contact lists, shopping cart bouncers, or past converters are all types of audiences that can be converted into a LAL audience. 


LAL’s are generally strong performers as they can prospect for customers very similar to people who have met past criteria for your business



5.Facebook Sources – Engagement Custom Audiences

And finally on our list is customising your engagement audiences to ensure you're maximising those who engage most with your content and minimise the exposure to those who do not.


You can create audiences of those who engage with your posts, videos, events and forms on Facebook and Instagram.


Your audience takes forms of those who have filled out a form, subscribed or attended an event, liked a page etc etc. 


These types of engagement custom audiences really open up the doors for new businesses or those that are too small to have built up email lists or large volumes of website traffic.


So, now that we've gone through some of the essential facebook audiences to help push your social campaign to the next level, it's given you enough ammunition to put that theory into practice.



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